Saturday, July 05, 2008


For : 3 Pizza

ingredients for pizza dough :
125 gr bread flour
450 gr all purpose flour
1 1/2 t sugar
1/2 sachet of yeast
1/2 t salt
200 ml water
1 1/2 T olive oil

ing for tomato sauce :
1/2 big onion thinly slice
1 garlic, thinly slice
2 T tomato paste
300 gr tomato, dipped into hot water, peeled and seeded
1 t oregano
1/2 t basil
1 t sugar
1/2 t salt
saute onion and garlic for 1 min, add tomato, tomato paste, sugar and salt. mix well until thickened, add oregano and basil

method :
with a wooden spoon, mix well flours, sugar, yeast

make a hole in the center and add the olive oil, water and mix well

do quick dinal mix by hand creating a rough paste

knead the dough until it forms a smooth ball

transfer the dough into a clean bowl, cover and let arise for 2 hours

divided the dough to 3

sprinkle the table with flour, put the dough on it and sprinkle flour over the dough and roll into a circle

pierce the dough with fork, spread the dough with olive oil, tomato sauce, topping (chicken/beef/tuna/vegetable/mushroom/bell pepper) then cover with grated mozzarella cheese

bake in a preheat (170 C) oven for 20 min

chocolate muffin

ing :

2 eggs
1 c sugar
1 c flour
6 T cocoa powder
1 t vanilla essence
2 t baking powder
2/3 c milk
2/3 c butter (160gr)
4 oc chocolate chips (optional)

method :

preheat oven for 350 F. Grease the mufin pan

beat the eggs with sugar, mix with flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla and milk. Fold in the melted butter

bake for 40-45 min

source : forgot - somewhere while browsing the internet.

Friday, June 27, 2008


resep dari pennylane di jakarta ini enak banget

bahan :
4 telur
2 c gula pasir (1 1/2 - 1 3/4 juga boleh)
1 c vegetable oil
3/4 cocoa powder
1 1/2 c flour
1 t salt
2 t vanilli

membuatnya :
telor dikocok sampai mengembang, masukkan gula sambil dikocok

masukkan sisa bahan, lalu aduk rata

tuang dlm loyang

bake dlm oven 160 C yg sudah dipanaskan terlebih selama 35 menit dahulu

Saturday, May 17, 2008

kue lumpur (potato cake)

ing :

250 gr potatoes, peeled, steamed, mashed
150 gr flour
150 gr sugar
25 gr milk powder
100 gr butter, melted
300 ml milk
2 eggs

mix all dry ingredients in a mixer bowl, add eggs. 1 at a time, beat with low speed, add milk, still keep beating, then add butter and vanilli. well combined

place a spoonfull of batter into a muffin pan. bake in the preheat oven ( 175 C) for 15 min, take out and add raisin, put into oven agin and bake until done ( another 15 min)

nasi ketan dan serundeng kelapa (yellow sticky rice and tasty dried coconut)

for sticky rice :

ing :

2 c glutinous rice, soaked in water for 30 min, then wash and drain
250 ml coconut milk
1 pandanus leaf
5 lime leaves
1 t turmeric powder
1 t salt

cook all ingredients in a rice cooker.

for serundeng :

250 gr dried grated coconut
100 gr fried peanut, crushed
salt & sugar to taste
chili powder (optional)

saute the above ingredients in a hot pan without oil

serve : form the sticky rice into mini balls shape and coated with serundeng

source : seksi chef

sago and melon in coconut milk

ing :

4 cups water
3 T sago pearls
2 c thin coconut milk
1/3 c sugar
1 pandanus leaf, tied into a knot
1 ripe honeydew melon

Bring the water to the boil in a large pan. Add the sago pearls to the water and simmer for 5 min, stirring connstantly. Turn off the heat, cover pan and set aside for 10 min. The sago should be translucent, indicating it is cooked

pour the cooked sago into a colander and rinse under running water.

place the thin coconut milk, sugar, pandanus leaf into a pan and bring to the boil.

remove the skin from the honeydew melon and cut the flesh into smal dices

to serve, place a spoonful of sago perls and diced honeydew in mini cups. pour over the coconut milk mixture.

can be served warm or cold ( add ice cubes)

cuocok juga bw coffee morning...

source : the periplus cookbook

SERABI ( pancakes with coconut sauce )

To celebrate the Thai New Year ( ahem..! always have excuses to entartain
:P ). Last Tues, I had some friends for coffee morning at home. To see this serabi, my Indonesian friends looked so thrilled since they missed it and I was to see my other (not Indonesian) friends enjoyed this food and asked for the recipe. So here it is :

2 1/2 cups flour, sifted

2 eggs, slightly beaten

2 t yeast

1/4 t salt

300 ml warm coconut milk

2 drops pandan paste for traditional taste and flavour or banana/coconut or substitute with 1/2 t vanilla essence

coconut sauce

1 l coconut milk

200 gr shaved palm sugar

2 T brown sugar

1/4 t salt

1 pandanus leaf, raked and tied into a knot

Put the flour into a bowl and add eggs, yeast and salt. Gradually stir in coconut milk and paste to make a thick batter. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm place until the mixture turns spongy about 1 hour.

  1. To prepare the coconut sauce, put the thin coconut milk, both lots of sugar, salt and pandanus leaf in a opan. Bring to the boil over low heat, strring until the sugar dissolves. Simmer for 2 min the set aside.
  2. Grease the bottom of a small wok with oil and heat. Spread a ladleful of batter in the wok. Cook until the cake is set on top, 2-3 min. Turn over and cook the other side. When all the batter is used, remove the pandanus leaf from coconut sauce and pour some over each pancake. Serve immediately.

source : the periplus book and myself

PISANG GORENG (Banana fritters)

I loo..vvve...... pisang goreng. Anytime, anykind and anywhere : .. recommended to try my recipe below :

12-15 cooking bananas, peel and slice in half lengthwise and dip / coated bothsides into the batter then deep fry. Remove the bananas from hot oil with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towels and serve warm

batter :

  1. 1 1/2 cups flour
  2. 1 egg
  3. 1 cup water
  4. 1/2 t salt
  5. 1 T sugar

combine all above ingredients.

Monday, May 05, 2008

ayam tepung dengan saus jamur

Temen Emir lagi nginep di rumah, biasanya saya seneng menyajikan makanan indonesia yang sekiranya disukai banyak orang asing. Tapi kali ini saya masak masakan ala barat yg gampang2 saja. Dimakan dengan mashed potatoes ato nasi juga bolehlah dan sayuran kukus.

bahan2 :
  1. dada ayam tanpa kulit dan tulang, bersihkan
  2. 1 telur, kocok
  3. tepung panir/terigu/kanji (seadanya tepung)
  4. garam dan merica

membuatnya :

Campur tepung dengan garam dan merica. Celup ayam dalam kocokan telur, gulingkan pada tepung secara merata lalu goreng dalam minyak panas sampai matang

Untuk saus jamurnya

Bahan2 :

  1. jamur segar potong2 halus makin banyak makin enak
  2. 2 siung bw putih, kupas dan potong2 halus
  3. 250 ml cream
  4. 250 ml susu cair
  5. 1 t mentega
  6. garam, gula sedikit

membuatnya :

lelehkan mentega dalam wajan, masukkan bw putih, aduk2. Tambahkan jamur, tumis sampai wangi masukkan sisa bahan lainnya, masak sampai matang, cicipi. kalau kurang kental bisa tambahkan sedikit terigu yg sudah dicampur dengan sedikit air.

grandma's mashed potatoes

lembuutt..banget, coba deh yah

bahan2 :
  1. 4 pound kentang, kupas, potong2
  2. 6 siung bw putih, kupas
  3. 1/2 cup susu cair
  4. 2 T mentega
  5. 1/2 cup sour cream
  6. 2 T parsley segar, potong2 halus
  7. 2 T rosemary segar, potong2 halus
  8. 2 T thyme segar, potong2 halus

daun2 tsb diatas kalau mau pakai yg kering, bubuk juga bisa. Nanti pas masak susu dicampur.

membuatnya :

  • taruh kentang dan bawang putih dalam wajan sedang, tambahkan air yg banyak sampai kentang tertutup
  • masak kentang sampai empuk. Buang airnya, sisihkan
  • sementara itu panaskan susu dan mentega dalam panci kecil pakai api kecil saja, aduk terus sampai mentega leleh
  • taruh kentang dan bw putih dalam mangkok besar
  • hancurkan kentang dengan menggunakan mixer dengan kecepatan rendah, sementara itu masukkan semua sisa bahan.

gampang bener yah..

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

kacang telor ( egg peanuts )

I really looo..vvee... these nuts!, I always buy it whenever I come to jakarta. Thanks to Ita, she gave me her mom's recipe.

for 1 kg brazilian nuts (raw and unpeeled), you need :

  1. 3 eggs, beaten

  2. 1 cup rice flour

  3. make paste of : 4 shallots and 3 cloves garlic

  4. salt, sugar, pepper

method :

mix all the ingredients then deep fried in hot vegetable oil and small flame, keep stiring when you cook. done !

buckle up..!!, they won't be last long..;)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

telor bumbu bali (bali seasoning)

little bit spicy yet a bit sweet, exotic..yumm..

ing :
  1. 6 hard boiled eggs
  2. 1 stalk lemon grass (part of the bottom third only), bruised
  3. 1 T kecap manis -sweet soy sauce-
  4. salt
  5. 1 t palm sugar
  6. 1/2 t shrimp paste

spice paste :

  1. 4 cloves garlic
  2. 4 shallots
  3. 6 red big chilies
  4. 4 candle nuts/cashew/macademia
  5. 1 cm ginger, peeled

method :

  • in hot oil (2 T veg oil) saute the spice paste for 1-2 min
  • add lemon grass, kecap manis, salt, palm sugar, shrimp paste
  • add eggs, mix well
  • serve with warm steamed rice

you can substitute egg with chicken or beef
source : roro di

french toast

ini sarapan yg cepet, mudah, disukai ama anak2ku

ing :
  1. 4 eggs
  2. 250 ml milk
  3. 2 1/2 t sugar
  4. 1 t vanilla extract
  5. 12 thick slices of white bread
  6. unsalted butter for frying
  7. icing sugar for dusting

preparations :

  • mix, whisk the egg well with milk, sugar vanilla extract.
  • cut the bread into half and soak in batches in the ggy milk until well saturated but not falling apart
  • heat a large non stick frypan over medium heat and add a little butter
  • cook the soaked bread strips in batches until golden brown, about 1 min per side
  • serve immediately, sprinkled with a little icing sugar, and accompanied with the marmelade butter
marmalade butter : cream the softened butter (about 100 gr unsalted) and mix in the marmalade (3-4 t)

source : the bangkok post

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

sambal goreng tahu tempe taoco

Lagi trend pete, yang banyak khasiatnya. Saya yg gak suka pete, ikut2an makan, slurp..

Bahan :
  1. 2 bh tahu kuning, potong2, goreng setengah matang, sisihkan
  2. 1 papan tempe ukuran sedang, potong2, goreng setengah matang, sisihkan
  3. 250 cc santan
  4. 1 bh tomat, potong2
  5. 5 bh bw merah, iris
  6. 1 btg serai, memarkan
  7. 5 bh cabai rawit utuh
  8. 2 sdm taoco
  9. air dikira2
  10. pete

bumbu halus :

  • 3 bh cabai merah
  • 1 cm jahe
  • 1 cm kunyit
  • 1 potong lengkuas
  • 1 bh bw putih
membuatnya :
  • tumis bw merah sampai layu, masukkan bumbu halus, serai, taoco, cabai iris, cabai rawit, aduk2 2 menit, beri santan, didihkan
  • masukkan tahu, tempe, tomat dan air, masak sampai matang, dan kuah agak kental masukkan pete terakhir
kalau pakai udang, hemm lebih sedap lagi, berhubung suami harus mengurangi udang, kali ini udang saya skip.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spicy beef meatballs (sambal goreng kreni)

meatballs :
  1. 500 gr ground beef
  2. 1 t salt
  3. 1 t pepper

combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Scoop meat into meatballer forming ball and saute until brown in 2 T veg oil. Set aside.

Ingredients :

  1. 1 salam leaf -bay leaf-
  2. 1 big red chilie, sliced
  3. 250 ml coconut milk
  4. 4 shallots, peeled, thinly sliced
  5. salt to taste and sugar (only a little bit -1/2 t-)

Spice paste :

  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 cm galangal, peeled
  • 1/2 t tamarind juice
  • 3 big red chilies

method :

  • in hot oil, saute shallot until fragrance, add spice paste, bay leaf and coconut milk, stir to boil
  • add meatballs, salt, sugar and sliced chilie
  • simmer gently, uncovered until the sauce has evaporated and thickened
  • serve with warm steamed rice

source : Roro -

Galangal fried chicken (ayam goreng lengkuas)

Ingredients :
  1. 1 fresh chicken, cut in 8 pieces
  2. 200 ml water
  3. 2 stalks lemongrass, bruised
  4. 2 salam leaves -bay leaves-
  5. 2 jeruk leaves -lime leaves-
  6. 1 t tamarind juice

Spice paste :

  • 6 shallots, peeled
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 5 candlenuts (substitute with macadamia nuts or raw cashews)
  • 2 cm turmeric, peeled, sliced
  • 200 gr galangal, peeled, cut
  • 1 t salt

method :

  • heat oil in a wok and saute the spice paste, lemongrass, salam leaves, jeruk leaves for 3 minutes.
  • add chicken and cook, stirring, until well coated. Add water and simmer, uncovered, until chicken is cooked and sauce is almost dry. Leave to cool.
  • Just before chicken is required, heat oil and deep fry chicken until crisp and golden brown
  • then fry the sauce until crispy.
  • serve fried chicken with crispy sauce on top.

Beef meatballs cooked with oyster sauce (bola2 daging saus tiram)

Make meetballs :
  1. 500 gr ground beef
  2. 1 tsp salt
  3. 1 tsp pepper

combine all ingredients, scoop meat into meatballer forming and saute until brown in 2 T veg oil. Set aside.

ingredients :

  1. 1 onion, peeled and chopped
  2. 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
  3. 1 tomato, cut big chunk
  4. 1 green bell pepper, cut - big chunk
  5. 1-2 tbs kecap manis -sweet soy sauce-
  6. 1 tbs oyster sauce
  7. salt and pepper to taste
  8. 1 cup water stir in 1 tsp starch

method :

  • in hot oil saute onion and garlic until fragrance
  • add meatballs, kecap manis and oyster sauce, mix slowly
  • add water, salt and pepper, cooked uncover until water has thickened and the sauce has evaporated. Just before you turn off the flame, add bell pepper and tomato then mix.

Served with warm steamed rice

Telor balado (spicy egg)

Ehm..!!, walaupun masakan mudah dan hari2, kalau saya sajikan bw temen2 asing2, bisa jadi "the hit" !!

Ingredients :
  1. 5 hard boiled egg, peeled then fry a while in a little bit of oil, set aside
  2. 1/2 tbs vinegar

Spice paste :

  1. 10 shallots, peeled
  2. 5 big red chilies, seeded

Method :

  • saute the spice paste in oil for 2 - 3 min, add eggs, salt (to taste) and sugar (only a little bit - 1/4 tsp), stir.
  • Just before turn off the heat, drizzle with vinegar
  • Before you serve, cut the eggs in half
  • eat with warm steamed rice, yumm...!

gak usah unjuk gigi dgn membuatnya terlalu pedas, nanti tamu2nya gak enjoy, he..he..


Melihat resepnya Astri Nugraha, kayanya gampang, trus dicoba. Tapi kemaren bikinnya kayanya kurang cermat, jadi susah banget mau dibentuk bulat2 kaya scones-nya Astri. Akhirnya langsung aja deh ditaro di loyang, trus oven. Ha..ha.. jadi juga, rasanya enak banget.

Bahan2 :

  1. 475 gr tepung self raising

  2. 1/2 sdt garam

  3. 50 gr gula kastor

  4. 250 ml krim kental

  5. 250 ml lemonade/sprite/air soda

  6. 2 sdm susu cair

  7. extra tepung untuk menguleni

membuatnya :

  • ayak tepung dan garam pada mangkok besar

  • masukkan gula, aduk rata

  • buat lubang di tengahnya, masukkan krim kental dan lemonade

  • pakai 2 bh pisau bersih (pastry blender juga bisa) aduk sampai rata

  • siapka permukaan meja bersih, taburi tepung

  • uleni adonan sampai lembut dan kenyal, tapi jangan lama2

  • siapkan cookie cutter, dan baking sheet yg sudah diolesi mentega

  • pipihkan adona setebal 2 cm

  • celupkan/lumuri cookie cutter pada tepung

  • atur scones berdempetan pada loyang

  • olesi susu cair

  • panggang 15 min ( 220 degree C)

Disantap masih hangat2 dengan selai strawberry dan butter.


Karena suatu hari pancake mix saya abis, maka bikin deh from the scratch. Ternyata gampil bener.. hemat pula..!, soalnya di thailand ini bw saya gak murah yah kalo beli pancake mix..

Bahan2 :

  1. 250 ml susu cair

  2. 1 telur

  3. 1 tbs baking powder

  4. sedikit vanilli

  5. 1 cup tepung terigu

  6. 2 tbs butter yg dilelehkan

membuatnya :

  • kocok telor dan susu

  • masukkan sisa bahan lainnya, kocok rata sebentar. Gak usah lama2, lumpy dikit gak papa, justru bikin fluffy

  • panaskan pan anti lengket, tuang 1 - 2 centong adonan. Apinya kecil sampe sedeng, gak boleh pakai api besar

  • adonan mulai ada gelembung2, tunggu dikit lagi, trus balik. Kedua sisi matang

  • Selesai, he..he.. gimana Ita..?, berhasil gak..??

Dihidangkan panas2 biasa saja dengan maple syrup dan butter, atau mau ditambah2 pakai blueberry, banana, dll... terserah. Atau kalau aku seringnya diisi kaya martabak manis, anak2ku paling seneng. Tapi bangunnya harus lebih subuh lagi...!, karena bikinnya consuming time banget.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sosis asam manis (sweet and sour)

quick, easy, yet yummy..

ingredients :
  1. 250 gr chicken/beef sausages, sliced
  2. 2 carrots, peeled and sliced
  3. 2 green bell peppers, sliced
  4. 3 tbs tomato ketchup
  5. 1 sdm kecap asin (soy sauce)
  6. 1 tsp sugar
  7. 100 cc stock/water -mix with 1 tsp corn flour
  8. 1 clove garlic, sliced
  9. 1 medium size onion, sliced

Method :

  • in hot oil, saute garlic until fragrant, add onion, bell pepper, stir, add carrot and water, cook until carrots tender
  • add sausages, ketchup, soy sauce and sugar

serve with warm steamed rice

ayam bakar bumbu rujak (hot grilled chicken)

This chicken is worth to try, excellent !. Serve with warm steamed rice.

Pardon me with the ugly picture below, yet looks horrible, but seriously, it is super ggoodd..d

Ingredients :

  1. 1 whole chicken, cut into pieces, clean, and rub well with lime juice then set aside.
  2. 2 cm (3/4 inch) galangal root, peeled and bruised
  3. 1 - 2 stalk lemon grass (part of bottom third only), bruised
  4. 2 bay leaves
  5. 200 ml coconut milk
  6. 1 tbs tamarind juice
  7. 1 tbs kecap manis (sweet soy sauce)

Spice Paste :

  1. 6 shallots
  2. 4 cloves garlic
  3. 4 candlenuts or substitute with macadamia nuts (before you grind the nuts, you need to dry fry the nuts first without any oil in a skillet over low heat until fragrant, about 3 min)
  4. 1 tsp corriander powder
  5. 2 red chilies
  6. 4 bird's eye chillies
  7. 1 cm turmeric root, peeled and sliced or turmeric powder should be oke
  8. 1 tbs gula jawa (palm sugar)
  9. salt to taste

Method :

  • heat the oil in a wok until hot, add the spice paste, galangal, lemon grass, bay leaves. Stir fry over low to medium heat until fragrant. Add chicken and cook until the chicken change colour
  • add coconut milk, tamarind juice. Cook chicken turning it from time to time until the sauce is absorbed and dries to a paste (about 15 min). Add kecap manis and mix well.
  • remove the chicken from the wok, coat well with the sauce on all sides, then grill under the broiler or on a barbecue until golden brown on all sides (10-15 min)

ini salah satu masakan andalan bw menjamu orang asing, percaya deh, mereka pada suka. Asal jangan extreme yah pedesnya.

source : dapur enji.

Friday, February 22, 2008

creme brulee

ingredients :

  1. 3 eggs - slightly beaten

  2. 2 cups light cream

  3. 1/4 cup sugar

  4. 1/4 tsp salt

  5. 1/2 tsp vanilla

  6. 1/4 cup packed brown sugar

Method :

  • In a heavy saucepan, combine eggs, cream, sugar and salt. Cook and stir over low heat, until mixture coats a metal spoon. Cooks 2 minutes more. Stir in vanilla. Pour into 6 ramekins (@ 6 oz). Chill.
  • Sift brown sugar equally among the 6 dishes and spread evenly on top. Using a torch melt the sugar and form a crispy top. Or if using oven, put the ramekins in a shallow pan of ice cubes and water (au bain marie), place it in the middle of rack and broil at 400 degree F for 4 to 5 minutes or until bubbly crust form.

  • Serve warm or chilled.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hot chicken drumsticks

Hhmm.. good appetizer !!

rub and marinate chicken drumsticks (14-16 pcs) for 30 min with :
  1. 4 tbs hot sauce (such as ABC, Indofood, Frank's or Goya)
  2. 2 tbs vegetable oil
  3. salt to taste
  4. 1 tbs honey
  5. 1/2 tbs cayenne pepper (up to taste)

in a large skillet, melt butter (1/4 cup) over moderately low heat, add marinated chickens and 1/2 tsp vinegar, mix until the chickens are cook. Transfer the chickens into a baking dish then grill in the oven for 10 minutes.

you can add a little tabasco to increase the heat ! , yumm..

Beef Spread

Good for sandwich or croissant, hhmm..

Ingredients :

  1. 250 gr lean ground beef
  2. 1 onion, cut
  3. 4-5 tbs mayo
  4. 2 tbs worcestershire sauce
  5. salt, pepper to taste

method :

  • in a sauce pan boil (with little bit of water -1/4 cup-) beef and onion until the water is dry
  • mix with all ingredients
  • process in a food processor
  • it's ready now !!

source : forgot !, it's somewhere in the internet -browsing-

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tofu Nugget (nugget tahu)

got the recipe from vania blogspot

ingredients :
  1. 4 white firm tofus
  2. salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 100 gr ground chicken
  5. 70 gr shredded cheese (cheddar)
  6. 3 clove garlics
  7. additional 1 egg (beaten) and bread crumbs (for coating before frying)

    method :
  • lightly spread butter on a prepared baking dish
  • in a food processor, mix all the ingredients but additional 1 egg and bread crumbs
  • put the tofu mixture into the prepared baking dish
  • steam until cook and firm, then cool.
  • cut tofu into bite sizes
  • dip into egg then coated with bread crumbs
  • deep fry

cream puffs (kue soes)

ingredients :
  1. 150 cc water
  2. 60 gr butter
  3. 110 gr all purpose flour
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
  5. 3 eggs

method :

  • preheat the oven to 425 degrees F
  • in a sauce pan heat the butter, water and salt
  • when the butter is melted and boiled add the flour all at one and stir immediately, keep stirring until it comes away from the sides
  • remove from heat, wait until it is cold then
  • add the eggs, one at a time, stir continuously until the batter stiff and shiny
  • pipe the batter onto parchment-lined baking sheets and place in oven. Turn the oven down to 375 degrees F
  • bake about 25 - 30 min. Remove them from oven. Turn the oven off.
  • poke each puff on the side with a knive to release the steam
  • Return the puffs to the oven for 5 min. Cool.

Split the cooled puffs and fill with the cream filling. Put tops back on and dust with icing sugar.

Filling :

  1. 500 cc fresh milk
  2. 1/2 cup sugar
  3. 2 egg yolks, sligthly beaten
  4. 3 tbs corn starch
  5. few drops of vanilla or rum (for flavour)

in top of a double boiler, combine the sugar and flour together. Add milk and mix well. Add egg yolks and blend. Place mixture over hot water over medium low heat and cook until smooth and thick, stirring constantly. Cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a skin from forming over the top of filling. Add vanilla.

Makes about 20 - 25 mini puffs

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Pat Kha Pao Neua (Thailand cuisine)

It' s spicy and this is soo good.. and the secret is in the leafes (must). Served with steamed rice.

Ingredients :

  1. 500 gr ground beef

  2. 4 cloves garlics

  3. chillies (up to your taste, but it's best when it's hot!)

  4. 1 tbsp oyster sauce

  5. 1 tbsp fish sauce

  6. kha pao leaves (holy basil, not hairy basil nor thai basil)

  7. 1/2 cup beef stock (or water)

  8. salt to taste

method :

  • make spice paste of garlics and chillies then saute in hot oil until the fragrance comes out.

  • add ground beef, stir and cook

  • add all the remaining ingredients, mix well

  • cook until water is dry

source : my friend Indri

Thursday, January 31, 2008

mini buns (roti unyil)

so cute and good for your little ones. need to be patients.. with bread !!

ingredients :
  1. 300 gr bread flour
  2. 100 gr all purpose flour
  3. 1 1/2 tsp yeast
  4. 15 gr powder milk
  5. 60 gr sugar
  6. 2 yolks
  7. 1 white egg
  8. 200 ml cold water (ice water)
  9. 75 gr butter
  10. 1 tsp salt

filling : smoked beef, shredded cheese, jam, chocolate pasta, cooked chicken, etc

method :

  • mix well flour, yeast, powder milk and sugar. Add egg and water little by little, mixing well after each addition, until dough is no longer sticky
  • add butter and salt. Knead dough until smooth and elastic about 5 min, cover and let stand for 30 min
  • punch down dough. Devide into balls (@15 gr). Stand for 10 min.
  • give each ball with filling. Stand for another 75 min.
  • Place balls on prepared baking sheet (greased)
  • brush with evaporated milk
  • bake in preheat oven (350 degree F) for 8 min
  • while still hot, brush with butter

Bread (roti isi)

warning : need to be patient ha..ha..

ingredients :

  1. 300 gr bread flour
  2. 100 gr all purpose flour
  3. 1 1/2 tsp yeast
  4. 75 gr sugar
  5. 15 gr powder milk
  6. 2 eggs
  7. 125 ml cold water (very cold)
  8. 75 gr butter
  9. 1 tsp salt

for filling : shredded cheese, sausages, chocolate pasta, etc

method :

  • mix well flour, yeast, powder milk and sugar. Add eggs and ice water little by little, mixing well after each addition, until dough in no longer sticky. Add butter and salt. Knead dough until smooth and elastic. Cover and let stand for 30 min.
  • punch down dough. Divide into several balls. Let stand for 10 min.
  • preheat oven to 350 degree f. Lightly spread butter on baking sheet.
  • fill each balls with the filling, and place balls on prepared baking pan
  • again, let stand for 90 min.
  • brush with evaporated milk
  • bake for 20-25 min
  • brush hot rolls with butter

hhmm...finally.. really good when still warm

Black Rice Pudding (bubur ketan item)

ingredients :

  1. 2/3 cup (150 gr) black grain glutinous rice

  2. 4 cups (1 litre) water

  3. 1 pandanus lesf, tied into a knot

  4. 1/2 cup (100 gr) sugar, adding extra to taste if desired

  5. 1 cup (250 ml) thick coconut milk

  6. 1/4 tsp salt

method :

  • pour the glutinous rice in a large pan and pick out husks and any foreign particles. Wash several times then soak in water, for 1 hour

  • drain rice, add water. Bring to the boil with pandanus leaf, reduce heat to low and simmer until soft and most of the liquid has evaporated, about 1 hour ( creamy and porridge like ). If it's look dry, stir in 1 cup of water

  • add sugar and cook for another 10 min.

  • combine the thick coconut milk salt in a small pan. heat gently, strring constantly, until it reaches boiling point. Remove the pan from the heat. Serve the porridge in small bowls with a spoonful of coconut milk over the top

source : the periplus book

Monday, January 28, 2008

Slow Cooker Hot Fudge Sundae Cake

ingredients :
  1. 1 cup all purpose flour
  2. 1/2 cup sugar
  3. 2 tbs baking cocoa
  4. 2 tsp baking powder
  5. 1/2 tsp salt
  6. 1/2 cup milk
  7. 2 tbs veg oil
  8. 1 tsp vanilla
  9. 1/2 cup chopped nuts
  10. 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  11. 1/4 cup baking cocoa
  12. 1 1/2 cups hot water

method :

  • Spray the inside of crock with cooking spray. I a medium bowl, mix the flour, sugar, 2 tbs cocoa, baking powder and salt. stir in milk, oil and vanilla until smooth. Stir in nuts. Spread batter evenly in bottom of crock
  • Mix brown sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa in small bowl. Stir in hot water until smooth. Pour evenly over batter
  • Cover and cook on high setting 2 to 2 1/2 hours or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
  • Turn off slow cooker. Let cake stand uncovered 30-4- min to cool slighly before serving. spoon warm cake into dessert dishes and cover with the sauce

Top off the cake with a scoop of ice cream.

source : my friend Debbie