Thursday, January 31, 2008

mini buns (roti unyil)

so cute and good for your little ones. need to be patients.. with bread !!

ingredients :
  1. 300 gr bread flour
  2. 100 gr all purpose flour
  3. 1 1/2 tsp yeast
  4. 15 gr powder milk
  5. 60 gr sugar
  6. 2 yolks
  7. 1 white egg
  8. 200 ml cold water (ice water)
  9. 75 gr butter
  10. 1 tsp salt

filling : smoked beef, shredded cheese, jam, chocolate pasta, cooked chicken, etc

method :

  • mix well flour, yeast, powder milk and sugar. Add egg and water little by little, mixing well after each addition, until dough is no longer sticky
  • add butter and salt. Knead dough until smooth and elastic about 5 min, cover and let stand for 30 min
  • punch down dough. Devide into balls (@15 gr). Stand for 10 min.
  • give each ball with filling. Stand for another 75 min.
  • Place balls on prepared baking sheet (greased)
  • brush with evaporated milk
  • bake in preheat oven (350 degree F) for 8 min
  • while still hot, brush with butter